Bulging Discs?

Intervertebral discs have developed quite a bad reputation. They seem to have become the “root of all evil” when it comes to back pain.  They are easily blamed for back pain and are the focus point of spine dysfunction and pain.  Many clients announce that they have “bulging discs” and that is the cause of their back pain or that their discs have “slipped” out.  The truth of the matter is that discs DO NOT SLIP.  Discs can be injured but they don’t slip out.  Discs can heal over time and like many injuries depends on the severity of injury, age and many individual factors.  Each person is different with regard to their capacity to heal.  

Discs are actually very strong and secured well to the vertebral bones.  There are also a large number of muscles and ligaments surrounding the spine that provide additional support to the back.  

Back pain requires a thorough and professional assessment (Dr Google is actually not qualified…).   Understanding why you have back pain will help you to know how to manage your symptoms.  In the majority of cases of low back pain there are simple strategies to help you manage your symptoms and continue on in your everyday life.  

Keep your pain medications regular to regain control of your symptoms, keep stretching and moving, keep control of your weight, use gentle heat to the muscles in your lower back and keep positive!